Education Department Head encourages attendance at Sharpton Rally

The head of the US Department of Education sent an internal email to 4000 employees of the Department of Education encouraging them to attend the rally organized by Rev. Al Sharpton last Saturday in Washington DC.  Link to the Washington Examiner article here.

Sharpton organized his rally in response to Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally held August 28th in DC.   Apparently the Rev. Sharpton thought that Mr. Beck was hijacking the anniversary of Dr. King’s famous speech that was delivered in the same place, the Lincoln Memorial, as Beck’s rally.

Apparently, some D. E. employees didn’t feel that the director should have requested employees to attend the rally and leaked the email to the press.  I am sure, however, as will all things Obama, nothing will come of this.  If the George Bush administration had done this of course the media would be on a rampage!

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