Archive for the 'Photography' Category


Hillary wants you to try this medication.  It is available free from DNC Pharmaceuticals.  Just wear your “Hillary Four Prezidnt” tee-shirt to the pharmacy and tell the Pharmacist that you want your free prescription of Tryphorgetin.  To receive the medication for free you will be required to fill out a form and sign away you rights under the bill of […]

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He’s confused?

The dog it confused?  I’m confused!

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Coolpix P510 Digital Camera

A few weeks ago I caught a pretty good deal on a Nikon Coolpix P510 camera. I have been using both my cell phone camera and a couple of 4 and 6 megapixel pocket size point and shoot type cameras for a quite a while.  The 4 megapixel camera was purchased on a close out about […]

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