Archive for the 'Motorcycles' Category

Adapting Automobile Scissors Lift for Can-Am Three Wheeler

I have been riding motorcycles since 1971.  My first bike was a ’66 Honda 305 Super Hawk that had been sitting for a very long time on the front porch of a Duplex in Pompano Beach, Florida.  The guy that owned it was moving and had to sell it fast, so I got it cheap.  […]

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We think we are smarter today?

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Harley Tractor Trailer?

A coworker and Harley rider sent me this picture. I’m always amazed at how creative folks can be in customizing the cars and motorcycles! But this one, is something else. This person obviously has a lot of time and money on his hands! Check out that tandem front fork setup. I’ll like to see how […]

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California boy told he couldn’t ride his bike to school with his flag on it.

Young Cody Alicea of  Denair, California proudly displayed his American Flag on his bicycle.  However, school officials told him that for “safety reasons” he couldn’t ride his bike with the American Flag on it to school.   So young Cody called for some help, and got it.  Check out this video: KCRA Video Cool huh?   It […]

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Cycle Worlds “Best Used Bike”

I was surfing through some of the on-line motorcycle magazines when I came across a Cycle World Special Feature, CW’s Best Used Bikes and there was a photo of a ZRX1100R.  Well, that immediately got my attention, so I clicked on the link. Best Used Bikes I was interested because about three years ago I […]

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