Archive for the 'Amateur Radio' Category

POTA 400 Parks Award

I have been doing a good bit of POTA chasing over the last year or so, all except about 3 contacts on CW.  I had a goal to reach the 400 unique parks award by the end of the year.  Well, I just make it, on December 31st! Now I want to do more activation’s, […]

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A Jammer on the 30 Meter Band?

August 2, 2023 0200Z: I was trying to copy the German RTTY Weather station on 10.1008 MHz and came across what looks like a jammer signal from 10.100 MHz to 10.120 MHz.  Here is a short video. It is now 0225Z and it is still going strong.  Anyone know what this is ? DE N4RFC […]

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Tropical Storm Zeta Visit, October 2020

I had a visitor this morning, Tropical Storm Zeta.  Zeta did a tree trimming job on my trees in the front yard.  I bet you can guess what I will be doing for the next couple of days!  No damage to the house or the antenna farm, so from that aspect I am lucky.

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IQ32 QRP SDR Transceiver

Several years ago I purchased a SDR QRP transceiver, the RS-HFIQ, from HobbyPCB. It is a 5 watt SDR radio that covered 80-10 meters. The radio required a PC, a Sound Card, and a couple of USB ports to function. Once assembled and hooked to the PC the system was fully functional on SSB but […]

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Vintage Radio – The Drake 2C Receiver

I have been a big fan of Drake amateur radios for years, long before I could to actually own a Drake.  Over the years I have had serveral Drake radios and my favorite has been the Drake 2B receiver.  Well, there is another very good Drake receiver, the Drake 2C.  The 2C is a more […]

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